Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tips : Smart shopping

Everyone wants to save money when they shop. The best way to save money is to plan ahead. When you plan before you shop you can save money and get the foods your family needs for good health.

Before you shop:

1. Think about some of the meals you will make.
2. Look at what you have on hand.
3. Write a list of what you need to buy.

At the store:

1. Compare prices of different sizes and brands of the food you're buying.
2. Use coupons only for the things you usually buy.
3. Try to buy just the amount you need or have space to store.

Other Tips:
Package-mix dinners and other ready-to-eat foods are popular because they are easy to make and save you time in the kitchen. Just add a salad or fruit, a roll, and something to drink for a complete meal.

If you have the time, you can save money by making "planned-over" pasta or rice dinners. Buy enough rice, pasta or meat to have some leftover. Mix the leftover meats and pasta or rice; add vegetables like canned tomatoes or corn. Then spice up the dish with your favorite seasonings.

Many package-mix foods are high in fat and sodium. Be sure to read the nutrition labels. Choose the products that are lower in fat and sodium. You can lower the fat and sodium in foods you prepare from mixes when you leave out the salt; use half of the margarine or use low- fat milk instead of whole milk.
(source :

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