Friday, May 30, 2008

Tips (Joke) : Getting on a cab in Jakarta

Following are important tips of getting a cab service in Jakarta :

1. When stopping a cab, ensure that the number of tyre is four, if only three it means you have wrongly stopped a bajaj.

2. Ensure also the number of seat, if too many seats it means that you've wrongly got on a metromini.

3. Tell the cabby your destination, this is to avoid the cabby wrongly take you to his house...(especially for gorgeous girls, this can be a must ;) )

4. Ensure that you are in before the cab starts moving, otherwise, you might be still sitting on bus shelter and not yet taken by the cab.

....... further tips are to be continued ....

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tips : Travelling abroad for holiday

There are 8 tips for you who want to have holiday in foreign country/overseas :

1. Ensure that you have valid passport and an entry visa for destination country

2. Pay attention on Consular Information Sheet at the country you are going to visit.

3. Get necessary information about law and culture of the country you are going to visit, to prevent any unnecessary things or deeds which are categorized as against the rules.

4. Make 2 copies of identification pages in your passport, in order to ease the process, in case your passport is lost or stolen. Keep one copy at home or keep it with your friend or family.

5. Ensure you leave your contact number such as hotel's phone number or other number which is easy to reach, just in case something emergency happens at home.

6. Don't leave your belongings at unsecure place and do not accept any package or other items from unfamiliar/unrecognised people.

7. To prevent unecessary crime to happen to you, avoid wearing frippery or unnecessary glaring clothings or ornaments/corsage. Do not bring big amount of cash.

8. To prevent deception or illegal acts, do exchange your money or valuables at legal exchange agent

Those are simple tips which can be helpful for your overseas holiday preparation.
Have a nice holiday ...

(image from

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tips : When you get something in your eye

This can be a little bit annoying when suddenly something (can be dust or small particle) get into your eye
and it pushes you to wink several times until your eye neutralizes it by producing more eye drop/tears.
But sometimes it takes quite long for eye to overcome this 'annoying thing' and definitely it bothers you a lot.
I just remember small tips given by my mom when i was a kid, to overcome this problem in a minute (or less) which comes to 3 easy steps :

1. put salt into your mouth (just a tip of salt)
2. blink your eye several times
3. done, the problem is away from your eye

Since I am not familiar with work of human body and I am not a doctor either, I cann't explain to you why salt can help to overcome this problem.
My presumption is, salt will stimulate tongue and saliva gland and other system to work so that eye also get stimulated to produce more eyedrops than usual. Again this is just a presumption.

Anybody would like to share knowledge about this ? Your comment is most welcome....

Tips : Vacation in Bali

Bali is an Island in Indonesia which is more famous than the country itself, especially for those who are interested in tourism, exotic vacation and a kind.
To have a great vacation in Bali, it's worth to read followin DO's and DONT's :

1. BEWARE of your belongings. Crime can happen anytime anywhere, some tourists already become victims. Hence, increase your ALERTNESS especially for important items and documents, better to leave them in your hotel. If you really have to bring them, ensure they are not away from your attention.

2. RESPECT the troops who are doing procession who normally walk slowly. Do not beep your horn.

3. BARGAIN everytime you shop, unless you see the price tag is there

4. DON'T PAY ATTENTION to street vendors who offer their merchandises or those who offer service (such as foot massage when you are on the beach), if you are not interested or do not intend to buy or use the service. Possibly don't have eye contact.

5. DON'T SWIM at prohibited area on the beach. Just swim between 'yellow' and 'red' flags/signs.


7. DON'T ENTER PURA or TEMPLE. This is for women only, who are having menstruation.

8. WEAR SARONG and RIBBON, whenever you attend a ritual ceremony. Ensure that you don't walk in front of a praying person and don't use flash light when taking a picture with your camera. Last but not least, don't sit higher than the priest/s.

Last thing is about crossing the street, pay attention to motorists who are sometimes careless

These are DO's and DON'Ts for you when having holiday in Bali......Have a nice holiday !

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tips Menyeberang Jalan

Mungkin ini adalah tips yang sangat sederhana untuk lebih meningkatkan kewaspadaan kita sewaktu menyeberang jalan. Ide ini muncul ketika saya mau menyeberangi satu jalan raya yang rame oleh kendaraan. Apalagi kalo kendaraannya pada berkecepatan tinggi..nah lho...kalo gak hati2 justru bisa terjadi kecelakaan yang sudah pasti tidak diharapkan siapapun.
Sementara saya melihat beberapa pejalan kaki yang menyeberang dengan cerobohnya sehingga tak jarang kedengaran bunyi decit ban kendaraan yang mengerem mendadak.
Mungkin cara seperti inilah yang menimbulkan istilah 'cuek bebek', karna memang bebek kalau menyeberang kelihatan acuh tak acuh sama sekelilingnya.

Hal yang terpikir oleh saya adalah : komunikasi - yang tidak efektif ataupun malah tidak nyambung sama sekali antaraa yang menyebrang dengan pengendara kendaraan bermotor.
Gesture - atau isyarat/bahasa tubuh - adalah satu bentuk komunikasi yang sangat efektif untuk diterapkan dalam keadaan seperti ini

Caranya :
1. Perhatikan dan pastikan jarak kendaraan memungkinkan buat anda untuk menyeberang

2. Bentangkan tangan kanan anda (meskipun mobil atau kendaraan lainnya masih cukup jauh) sambil memperhatikan kalau si pengendara memperhatikan bahasa isyarat yang anda sampaikan yang kira2 berarti ..."Permisi, saya mau nyebrang"...
Pengendara yang tanggap akan segera memperlambat laju kendaraannya untuk memberi kesempatan anda lewat, atau kalau terlalu pengendara akan menyalakan lampu jauh untuk memberi tahu dia mau lewat dulu.

3. Tutup hidung dan mulut dengan tangan kiri
Langkah ketiga ini agak jarang dilakukan ... tapi lumayan efektif untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan (ini saya buktikan sendiri), yaitu :
* untuk membuat kita lebih awas sebelum dan sewaktu menyeberang ...(silakan dibuktikan)
* untuk membuat sipengendara lebih tanggap bahwa ada orang yang sedang siap2 untuk menyeberang...(bandingkan dengan penyeberang yang 'cuek bebek' dimana sipengendara sama sekali tidak diberi sinyal kapan mau menyeberang)
* untuk menghindarkan dampak polusi dari knalpot kendaraan ... (setidaknya ini adalah alasan yang paling minimal ... khususnya buat jalan2 di indonesia dimana tingkat polusi dari kendaraan sangat tidak terkendali....dan...sebenarnya inilah alasan awal kenapa saya suka menutup hidung sewaktu menyeberang)

Note : Tentuknya tips ini bisa diabaikan sewaktu anda menyeberang di zebra cross pada saat lampu merah ...

Semoga tips sederhana ini bermanfaat.